Tell Me What You See

It could all be trickery

Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!


Photo credit to the author

Tell me what you see –

Is the blue peeking from the blanket of white?
The blue furtively concealing a secret, spawning a lie
Until the innocent blanket of white
Turns into a repository of lie.

Tell me what you see –

Is the blanket of white smothering the blue?
The white, perforce, cloaking its vicious villainy
Until the sins spilled into the blameless blue
Turning it into a vault of vile villainy.

What we see, in public, with our eyes
Are not necessarily tied to the wise
The things we are made to see could be lies
Shaped, manipulated untruths held in a vise.

For the blue could be the scoundrel
Or the cloud may be the angel
The cloud could be the scoundrel
And the blue the categorical angel.

Social media data is especially not trusty
Users file and filter their posts, so choosy
What one sees, or hears, are either glitzy
Or whiny and whingeing posts, all barmy.



Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.