The Grisly Murder of an Unfaithful Wife

Butchered, oven-cooked and fed to *Katie, the cat

Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!


Photo credit to the Truro Daily News (Canada)

A nasty divorce back home in Wales in the UK was said to be the reason why John Perry traveled to the Far East in 1984. He needed a break; he wanted to get away from the unpleasantness of his current situation.

It was during his holiday in the Philippines that he met Arminda Ventura in a bar in Manila.

The “rough and tough” Welshman was smitten by the attractive 20-year-old Filipina. For the next three weeks, Perry spent every day and every night with Arminda.

Believing that she had grown fond of him, too, Perry suggested to Arminda that they get married and settle in Wales.

And so they did. They got married and settled in Higher Kinnerton in North Wales.

The marriage was a success for a while — until Perry noticed that his young wife was attracting interest from other men. This annoyed Perry, especially when Arminda sought the company of other men. She would be away for a few days occasionally, purportedly with another man.

As reported in the papers, that was when Perry realized that Arminda only married him to escape poverty in her country.



Josephine Crispin
Creative Juice!

Writes about writing, nature, animals, the environment, social issues and spirituality. Editor and published author of romance novellas amongst other genres.