3 Random Writing Tips

From cover reveal to promoting

Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings


Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

Having released three books so far, I’ve learned quite a few things about writing, editing, publishing, and marketing books.

Instead of overloading you with information, I’ll give you just three tips, or strategies, that I’ve found helpful.

Preorders and cover reveals

If you’re planning on releasing a book, two things you should consider are a cover reveal and a preorder. The first tip that I have for you is to set the same dates for these! When people see your book cover for the first time during your cover reveal, if they love it, give them something to do about it! You’ve created all the hype for the cover reveal, let that hype translate to early sales.

Editing and reviews

Alright, you’ve written the book, you’ve edited, had beta readers, and professional editors, and now you’re just waiting to publish your book. Something you should consider for this phase is ARC readers. Now that your book is almost publish ready, there shouldn’t be a ton of typos, but we are all human and even if you had an editor, some could have slipped through. If you have a good connection with your ARC team, create a competition between them. Whoever finds the most typos wins a prize. This could be a signed copy of your…



Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings

Writer of Dark Fantasy and Thrillers. Blogger of writing tips. Find more writing tips, manuscript help, and book exclusives at Patreon.com/anicolewrites