Tips for Drafting Novels Faster

They call it dirty drafting for a reason

Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings


My Word Count Tracking for Fast Drafting

One part of the writing process that always seems to trip writers up the most is writing that first draft. Editing can be sluggish too, but once you have your first draft done, any other part seems possible.

It’s that feeling of sitting in front of a blank page, knowing (or sometimes not knowing) where your characters need to go, but no idea how to get there. It’s writing meaningless scenes just to delete them. It’s saying “I’m writing a book” but making no real progress.

We’ve all been there.

In this article I’m going to give you some tips on how you can fast draft. Once you get that first draft done, you’ll not only feel super accomplished, but you’ll also be able to move onto the next step of the writing process.

I’m currently drafting Sacrificial Lamb book two, so I’ll be along with you for the ride. Be warned, this will get messy.

Tip 1 — Have an outline

Having an outline of your book will help you know what you’re writing next. This will eliminate a lot of time of you just staring at a blank page wondering what your characters should be doing. I am a big advocate for outlining for many reasons. I describe my process in this article.



Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings

Writer of Dark Fantasy and Thrillers. Blogger of writing tips. Find more writing tips, manuscript help, and book exclusives at