Tips for your Author Profiles

For all the places you’ll be on the internet

Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings


Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Whether you’re a published author or a writer just dipping your toes in the online writing world, you’re going to have profiles. These can be social medias, author websites, Amazon profiles, blog profiles, etc. No matter how many or how few, you will have to make a name for yourself on the internet. How else will people find out about your awesome writing?

This article will walk you through the things you should include in your profiles to attract the right followers.

Profile pictures

Most places where you will be sharing your name and your work will want a profile picture. Just starting out, it can be a little daunting to put your face out there but that’s what your readers want. They want to see that the writer they’re thinking about following is a real person. Just because you’re typing behind a computer screen, doesn’t make you real to them.

Try to us a clear headshot picture that doesn’t have a busy background. You are to be the star of your profile!

My Twitter profile picture

Cover images



Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings

Writer of Dark Fantasy and Thrillers. Blogger of writing tips. Find more writing tips, manuscript help, and book exclusives at