Which POV Should You Write In?

Tips for picking a point of view for your writing

Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings


Photo by Saketh Garuda on Unsplash

When writing a story, one of the first things you need to decide is what point of view you’re going to write in. The three main types are: first person, third person limited, and third person omniscient. There is also third person deep and second person but those are less talked about. In this article, I will touch on all of the above to give you a basic understanding to help you decide which is the best fit for you and your story.

Each story is unique in that one POV might work really well for one, but not for another. Sometimes you will have to write a few scenes of your book in a different POV just to test it out and see if the story comes across better.

Also remember that first and third person POV can be written in past or present tense. You can have one POV or multiple within the same book. (Just be careful not to head hop.)

First person POV

First person is one of the two most popular POV to write in with third person limited being the other. Writing in first person lets the reader experience the story first hand as the main character. You will use the pronouns such as “I” or “we” such as “I think we could write a great story.” To write in first person, you have to have the main character’s…



Ashley Nicole
Creative Late Night Musings

Writer of Dark Fantasy and Thrillers. Blogger of writing tips. Find more writing tips, manuscript help, and book exclusives at Patreon.com/anicolewrites