10 ways to break through a creative block
We all get them. That doesn’t mean we have to give in to them.
Any kind of creative work is hard.
That’s what makes it so satisfying. It’s also why our gremlins show up every time we sit down to write, make something — or think of ideas.
By gremlins, I mean fear, doubt, distraction. Procrastination and its friendly help-mate, perfectionism. And that persistent chorus of inner critics urging you to stay small and invisible, not to rock the boat, splash the paint, make a noise.
These tricksters are familiar to most of us. They’ll always be there. They’re just part of the creative family. But that doesn’t means you let them win.
Instead, here are some ways to quieten them, avoid them, work around them.
1. Consume like a creator
“Your output depends on your input.” That’s Austin Kleon, who is one of the most prolific writers and artists I know.
Put in quality inputs, consume inspiring material and have a life that is interesting and interested. Be curious, and willing to try new things. And you’ll have far more inspiration in your own work.