Procrastinating? These books will help

10 books to help you stop procrastination, and get on with life

Sheryl Garratt
The Creative Companion


Photo by Leminuit on Getty Images Signature

You’re human, so you probably procrastinate sometimes.

It’s a natural reaction to tasks that are difficult, boring, uncomfortable or lacking in immediate rewards.

But for some of us, it’s become an ingrained habit. And as a former chronic procrastinator, I know what a problem that can be.

These books helped. If procrastination is holding you back, take a look and choose the ones that seem most relevant to you.

They’ll get you back into action!

1: Solving The Procrastination Puzzle

Written by Timothy Psychl, a retired psychology professor who specialises in procrastination, this is a blessedly short primer for understanding our self-sabotage, then getting unstuck.

If you’re not a big reader, this gets the basics across clearly and efficiently. You might also find help in his podcast iProcrastinate, or the deep dive on procrastination he did with Ali Abdaal.

2: Procrastination: What It Is, Why It’s A Problem, And What You Can Do About It



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