Winter is coming.. So prepare for it!
We all have our winters to endue. Creatively, as well as seasonally. But it’s possible to winter well, if you expect this.
“Artists are always working, though they may not seem as if they are. They are like plants growing in winter. You can’t see the fruit, but it is taking root below the earth.”
— director André Gregory
It’s winter here in the UK, a season we do particularly badly.
We go crazy at Christmas, then go into shock when January arrives, and we realise that winter has only just begun.
It’s like we’re in denial. Every year it seems to be a surprise when leaves fall on train tracks, when rain and snow arrive, when the nights grow longer and the days greyer.
My postman is still in shorts, an outfit he clings to stubbornly even after the frosts come. “I like the tingle,” he told me this week, though his legs already look goose-pimpled and raw.
Norway and Denmark offer us hygge.
This is the concept of cosy comfort, a season warm socks and snuggly blankets, thick jumpers and brisk walks, fairy lights and convivial evenings with friends.