Always wear a suit on a plane.

Success is where preparation meets opportunity. 

Jordan Skole
Ventures & Adventures


“What are you doing, we’re going to be late!”

My fiancé caws from the hallway. Luggage in hand.

The car is waiting!

I step out of the bathroom. She takes one look at me, clearly displeased.

What are you wearing.

I’m wearing my finest nines. My favorite casual blazer, slacks, dress shoes and a high quality v-neck t-shirt from Everlane. The same way I would dress when I ran social at the agency and had a meeting with General Motors. I am clean shaven, and my hair is well groomed.

My accoutrements have been transferred from my practical briefcase to my dressier manpurse.

I look good.

I don’t understand why you don’t just wear sweatpants when you travel like the rest of America.

She says as we wait for the elevator. Both of us are excited to start our adventure. We’re travelling to San Diego for vacation. Our plan is to escape the haunting thoughts of productivity and lead-gen for at least a week.

Our minds should be void of all thoughts save margaritas and beaches. It isn’t however.

Henry Hartman once said,

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.

and I believe that very strongly to be true.

It’s why I barely slept last night, up till the wee hours learning about node.js, CouchDB, and Angular. New web technologies that make prototyping apps easier than ever.

I don’t have a project, I don’t need to know these skills at work (although every full-stack marketer swells with pride whenever they get called a picken).

But inspiration can strike at the strangest times. And when it does, you better be ready to move fast.

That’s why I always dress up for my flights. You never know who you will be sitting next to. You might end up sitting next to a scrub in sweatpants (sorry boo, you look adorable in sweatpants) or it could be somebody ready to invest in the next greatest node application. It could be the CMO of a digital agency, curious to learn more about referral marketing strategies.

It seems that I am not alone. Major mover Delta realized that opportunity creators and busy people are typically one and the same. They also realized that they had access to a scarce resource, those people’s time. Delta realized that they were staring down the barrel of an opportunity and decided they were going to act.

Delta Innovation Class

Normally I wouldn’t share marketing ploys, but since this one was clearly targeting exactly me, so I thought I would give it the attention it deserves.



Jordan Skole
Ventures & Adventures

Startup founder, Boomtown & Brandery alumni. I love travel, dogs, bikes, and burgundies, in no particular order.