Confidence | Creative achievement

Creative People Feeling Insecure

Self-doubt can impact us, but is uncertainty always negative?

Douglas Eby
The Creative Mind
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2018


Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

“When you’re a creative person, whatever your field — writing or painting or singing, acting — there’s always a certain amount of insecurity or uncertainty or there’s a search going on and, in a way, that never really stops.”

But, actor Annette Bening adds, “You want to be in a place of uncertainty, a place that maybe something surprising could happen.”

She comments more in this short video:

How do our feelings of insecurity and self-doubt impact our creativity?

Director Francis Ford Coppola made a couple of comments I like on this topic:

“I don’t think there’s any artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they’re doing.”



Douglas Eby
The Creative Mind

Information and inspiration for artists, creators: psychology, personal growth, emotional health, giftedness, high sensitivity, neurodivergence and more.