Virtual Coworking: Why It’s a Game-Changer for Creative People

7 reasons why virtual coworking sessions can fuel your creative momentum

Jeff Fajans, PhD
Creative Momentum
3 min readJan 3, 2024


🤘Spoiler Alert: They essentially guarantee you will make meaningful momentum on your creative goals, no matter how overwhelmed, scattered, doubtful, or unorganized you feel.

Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Do you know why I host 4+ Coworking sessions per week in the 30 Day Creative Momentum Challenge?

Because these virtual coworking sessions are game-changers for creative people.

Here are 7 reasons why virtual coworking sessions can fuel your creative momentum:

1. They Help You Prioritize

We creative, entrepreneurial-minded people don’t have a problem generating interesting possibilities and ideas.

It’s a superpower — but also can easily lead us to a state of possibility overwhelm.

It’s easy to lose direction or not know which next step to take.

Our virtual coworking sessions start with declaring what you will be working on and what you aim to achieve during the session.

This act of vocalizing your objectives can help sharpen your focus and prioritize tasks that matter the most.

The more coworking sessions you show up for, the more you strengthen your prioritization and decision-making skills. Two of the most critical skills for creative momentum.

2. They Sharpen Your Focus

Being in a virtual space with other committed individuals reduces the tendency to get sidetracked.

There’s a collective energy that magnifies concentration and commitment to the task at hand.

3. ​They Provide Support and Encouragement

When you cowork virtually, it feels like you’re part of a tribe that understands and values your goals.

No more feeling lonely or that your aspirations are insignificant.

When we connect face-to-face and share what we are working on, we are always met with cheerleading from our fellow virtual creative coworkers.

4. They Help You Overcome Procrastination

It’s no secret that “getting started” can be the hardest part.

It’s so easy to procrastinate when we are alone.

The structured setting of a virtual coworking session means there’s a defined start and end time, helping to eliminate the “I’ll do it later” syndrome.

5. They Help You ​Combat Perfectionism

One of the deadliest assassins of creative momentum is perfectionism.

Creative minds often wrestle with the desire to over-plan, over-research, feel more “ready” — all signs of perfectionism.

Virtual coworking provides a framework where progress is more important than perfection.

Watching others move forward can inspire you to do the same.

6. They Guarantee Meaningful Momentum

When you combine prioritization, amplified focus, decreased perfectionism, and motivational support you get guaranteed progress on your most important goals.

All you have to do is show up.

7. They Help You Develop Time Management Skills and Self-Accountability

For those who find it hard to manage their time, especially creatives who may also have ADHD, virtual coworking is a blessing.

By committing to specific time blocks, you practice the art of allocating and respecting your time, leading to enhanced productivity and time awareness.

Showing up to coworking sessions builds self-accountability and strengthens self-trust.

Hear what creative badass, Sandra Vivas has to say about the benefits of virtual coworking on her creative process.

Have you tried virtual coworking? Let me know below in the comments!

If you’re looking for a place to start, try out:

⚡️If this is your first time joining The 30 Day Creative Momentum Challenge, get 20% off with the code NEWCHALLENGER20



Jeff Fajans, PhD
Creative Momentum

I Help Creative Entrepreneurs & Founders Bring Their Biggest Ideas to Life and Reach Their Next Level of Creative Success.