The Beginning

The Making of a Movie Trailer

kasia truscott
2 min readApr 28, 2014

Hey there. I’m Kasia- I’m thirteen and I like to eat. But I’m not going to tell you about what my favourite chocolate or ice cream flavour is. I’m going to be blogging about something pretty cool- movie trailers.

Now, I’m not talking about a trailer for ‘Godzilla’, or another romantic love story like ‘Endless Love,’ no, I’m talking my own project. My own little movie trailer, where I decide the cast, script, costumes- you name it!

It’s pretty exciting. I've decided to set up a blog & as you have seen, blog pretty each each week. I’ll be blogging about the progress, events that happened, improvements and changes- everything so you can get an inside look on my project! (:

The trailer, (my plan at the moment!)is to do with the drama genre in movies. I’m hoping to give my audience the chills as well as intrigue them into my story. Hopefully, this will be a huge success!

The trailer is a seven week project that I’m really looking forward to. The finished video will be eventually uploaded to YouTube (don’t worry, I’ll post links on here too!) where you can watch the finished product.

I hope you’ll enjoy my blog & learning about my story and experience throughout this topic. See you soon!

-Kasia x

