730 days of the COVID-19 Pandemic

This article is about the changes that happened in the two years of the recent pandemic and all that you should know about it.

Afsha Ayaz
Creative Passions ๐Ÿ’–
3 min readMay 7, 2022


It is a pleasure to finally learn that the Coronavirus pandemic is on the verge of vanishing from the Earth and ultimately becoming extinct. Speaking about India, umteen number of changes have happened in the past four months. Schools and colleges have been resumed physically, cinemas/theatres are open now, COVID-19 protocols have been removed, masks are no more compulsory, social distancing norms have been taken out of practice and a lot more changes can be observed on the Earth after the pandemic. It is good to hear that COVID-19 is slowly vanishing but all that has happened in these two years is unpredictable. Almost 500 million people all over the world had gone through this phase at least once in these two years.

While doing so, numerous mental and physical changes have been noticed in children and adults as well. Surveys report says that a major increase of US adults, who have suffered stress, anxiety, and depression has increased as compared to the surveys before the pandemic.

Photo by Tiago Bandeira on Unsplash

People have increased their consumption of alcohol/drugs, thinking that it can help them cope with the fear of getting infected or help them deal with fighting back against the virus. But, least do they know that they are at higher risk of getting infected. Because the virus affects the lungs, chances are more that they get infected. In addition to this, constant news about COVID-19 from different sources has increased fear of the situation. Limit social media that may lead to false rumors and eventually make you believe in them.

In children under the age of 15, mental as well as physical changes are observed. Physically, children had been homeschooled for a certain period. While doing so, they have adapted to the habit of sitting in the same place, because of which they became paunchy and overweight. Physical activities had reduced and physical movement was not taken into consideration.

Speaking about the mental changes, isolation and quarantine lead to reduced communication even with those with whom they used to go socially well and extroverts changed into introverts. In adults, mental stress and depression increase due to job issues, money shortages, loss of loved ones, and much more. Screentime of children and adults increased, sleep patterns and the schedule were interrupted, and people went physically weak, frail, and feeble. Aggression increased due to a lack of communication.

In contrast with this, people also got to learn many new things. Time and opportunities were more than enough. Sincere citizens of the Earth made their dreams come true, started the businesses, and worked upon their weaknesses to make them their strengths. They also developed new interests in themselves.

So, now we can finally say that coronavirus not only harmed us but also benefitted us.

That was it for today! I hope you enjoyed reading this article. E-see you with another one very soon.



Afsha Ayaz
Creative Passions ๐Ÿ’–

I am a school student from Mumbai who is a passionate writer. Here to share my knowledge with the world!