Autumn Morning

A poem of naked turning

Erie Astin
Creative Passions πŸ’–
Feb 6, 2023


Image created by author with Midjourney AI, all rights reserved.

The earth turns her cheek

Toward the sun

And the season turns

Naked as a mother,

Naked as a son.

Without ceremony,

The leaves fall from the trees

And then come back, and fall again.

God Apollo, I am tired. I have been at this writing every day since the end of December, pushing, pushing, always pushing. Now I lie here naked as the mother in my poem, mind burnt away, not knowing when I will be able to continue my one purpose in life again. Thanks as always for reading.



Erie Astin
Creative Passions πŸ’–

Travel writer. -- Humanist, animal lover, eternal striver. -- From Montana.