Rare Remarkably Awesome Alternative Everyday Words: 1st April — “Taradiddle”

Remarkably colorful diverse everyday words you never knew existed.


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1st April — “Taradiddle Day” (April Fool’s Day)

Today is “Joke” day. People play pranks on others and fool them, but did you know that in 1788 the word “Taradiddle” was used for someone who told petty lies? In 1796, Grose’s Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, defined “Taradiddle” as a fib or lie, and liars were called “Taradiddlers”.

“These days, she lived, thought, dreamed horses, almost like Verrall himself. The time came when she not only told her TARADIDDLE about having “hunted quite a lot”, she even came near believing it.”

- Burmese Days, by George Orwell, 1935.

Use of the word “Taradiddle” in 19th and 20th Century

Lexicographers found the word “taradiddle” strange, as “diddle” meant to cheat, and “tara”…

