Don’t Stress Over Mess!

Throw stuff away!

Carol Townend
Creative Passions 💖


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I just recently realised how much junk we have collected over the years in our house.

We have discovered that over half of that junk is old books and toys kindly left behind by our grown-up children!

Oh, not to mention old papers and stuff we didn’t realise we had bought in the past.

Parenthood can be a very busy time.

We had six young children in our house for a while, which meant more children’s toys, school stuff, clothes, and our own stuff!

We started having a clear-out, recently.

You could tell us that we should have done it years ago. However, our life as a parent was non-stop tidying, appointments, school runs, homework, health problems, and housing problems, and two of our children had disabilities, which made our parenting years stressful.

Speaking from my own experiences, things haven’t changed much in our world today. Many parents work in addition to raising their children.

Sometimes, parenthood can become so busy that we do not notice the mess around us until our children grow up.

In today’s world in the United Kingdom and other countries, many children are…



Carol Townend
Creative Passions 💖

You can visit my Amazon page here: I have a big love for reading and writing poetry and fiction.