Echoes of Courage

A journey of hope and resistance against educational barriers

Nasrullah Jalbani
Creative Passions 💖
3 min readMar 7, 2024


Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Aima was raised in a peaceful rural village. Her gaze was full of curiosity; her mind was itching to learn more, yet custom forbade her from pursuing her goals. This implied that girls were kept in the dark and guys were the only ones allowed to learn.

Ever since she was old enough to comprehend the world around her, Aima has had a strong drive to learn. She looked through books and was amazed by the wonders of letters and numbers. However, since girls are not permitted to do such things here, these aspirations have not come true.

Every morning when the sun painted the sky with shades of gold and rose, Aima watched longingly as the boys from the village walked towards the school house carrying heavy bags of books and having curious minds ready for what they would learn next. She yearned to be one of them; she wished she could plunge into this sea of knowledge just beyond that door but there were strong social walls against her way.

“Let me learn!” Aima said desperately to her parents whose voices were as hard and unyielding, just like the walls of their humble abode. “Girls are not educated,” they would say in tones of defeat. “Your place is here behind these walls, where you can perform your duties.”

Undeterred, Aima found comfort from her grandmother’s company who was a wise and kind spirit that had once possessed dreams. In doing so, they stole moments away from the ceaseless demands of everyday existence as they sat under an ancient oak tree at the boundary of the village; it was there that the grandmother honored her wisdom.

Nonetheless, like one who has wandered in a desert for long, she knew that genuine knowledge could only be obtained inside the walls of a schoolhouse. She therefore made a plan backed by determination more fiery than midday suns.

Under the cover of darkness, Aima would stealthily sneak out of her homestead, with footsteps as quiet as whispers of the night, and head towards school. Here, she would place her ear on the cold wooden door below the moon’s watchful eye to capture even the faintest reverberations of lessons going on inside.

But fate had other plans. One night illuminated by moonlight while Aima squatted outside the schoolhouse and felt her heart thumping heavily in her chest, some men encountered her thinking that she was jeopardizing their society’s precarious equilibrium. They extinguished forever her voice in an angry and ignorant mood thus killing prematurely the spark of her dreams.

The people of that village were all overcome with grief and hatred as word of Aima's tragedy spread among them like wildfire. Even in death, Aima, however, resisted being extinguished. Her personal story became a catchphrase for change, serving as a poignant reminder of the many girls who may have achieved greater things but instead encountered several challenges on their path.

Even though Aima’s voice faded, her memory persisted: a story of a hope that would never come true, a dream that takes the form of a world without educational obstacles, where all children, regardless of gender, should strive to reach the stars.



Nasrullah Jalbani
Creative Passions 💖

Hello, I'm Nasrullah Jalbani, a passionate writer from Sindh, Pakistan.