“Grandpa, Were You A Hero?”​

Charles Hamm
Creative Passions 💖
2 min readNov 22, 2023
Author photograph.

This was a question my grandson asked me not long ago. He was starting to hear things from the other kids, and, perhaps, his parents. He knew I was a Marine Veteran, and was now old enough to understand a little about what that might have meant.

I smiled at the question, of course, and answered kindly, “No, I wasn’t.” I then paused for a moment, reflecting I suppose, then added, “But I knew some.” Without realizing it, he touched a nerve with me about the meaning of words.

There are words in all languages that distinguish some people from others. They are honorifics and superlatives that are intended to be reserved for only a few, very exceptional people. But, the words loose there meaning when applied to all, as is common today. Superlatives should be used thoughtfully, and sparingly to protect the integrity of the word.

If everyone is “special,” no one is special.

If everyone is “exceptional,” no one is exceptional.

If everyone is “great,” no one is great.

If everyone is a “hero,” no one is a hero.

This gets me to the point of my answer to my grandson. I have strong feelings about this. If everyone who wears, or has worn, the uniform of our military services is a “hero,” what does the word even mean? It is reduced to mean nothing more than, “A person who served in the armed forces.” How will we designate those few, who truly rose to a level of extraordinary courage above and beyond the call of duty? For me, I’ll stick with the word “hero” when I think of such people, and, no, I’m not one, but I knew some. Me? I’m a Marine Veteran, who did his duty. That’s it.

You old vets understand.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Charles Hamm
Creative Passions 💖

Author of 'Ponder on It, Pilgrims' at charleshamm.com. 3X # 1 International Bestseller. https://linktr.ee/charleshamm