Just Think About The Tremendous Hidden Meaning Of Words

Because this is what happens with really wonderful pictures

Image created by the author in CANVA.

I’m not going to blind you with the latest academic research that shines a cheery light on the power that words can have on you but, what I am going to ask you is this:

“When did you last write a letter… I mean actually picked up a pen and paper and really handwrote something?

I rather imagine that in todays technological world, it was rather long ago.

Right or wrong?

Print is predictable and impersonal, conveying information in a mechanical transaction with the reader’s eye. Handwriting, by contrast, resists the eye, reveals its meaning slowly, and is as intimate as skin.

Ruth Ozeki.

I remember many moons ago, my Grandmother used to regularly pen a letter to me every week, and I eagerly look forward to them with glee and excitement.

Yes, do you remember those times… when we’d get excited simply over a letter being popped through the letterbox, keen as mustard to rip open the envelope, which would always smell of those shell-shaped scented bath soaps that she would always…



Jonathan Townend, RMN - Editor - Friend of Medium
Creative Passions 💖

Psychiatric Nurse Writer. Owner of Creative Passions, The Shortform, No Shame, World of Fiction publications, and co-editor for The Chocolate River.