Melodies of Divinity: A Tribute to Lord Krishna

Journey through the cosmic ballet of love and wisdom

Arpana Gupta
Creative Passions 💖
2 min readJan 9, 2024


Photo by SK FIROJ Ali on Unsplash

In the domain where spiritualist songs play,

A heavenly dance in the grandiose expressive dance.

There, amid the shades of timeless sunrise,

Moves Lord Krishna, a divinity drawn.

In Vrindavan’s hug, a sacrosanct land,

The flute song echoes a heavenly order.

The peacock feather enhancing His crown,

Lord Krishna, in affection, forever prestigious.

Eyes like universes, profound and significant,

A heartfelt look, in commitment, we’re bound.

Lotus feet stepping the Yamuna’s shore,

Each stage is a beauty, everlastingly we revere.

Govinda, the herder, a fun-loving sprite,

Charmer of hearts in the twilight evening.

Gopis charmed, in joy they influence,

Lost in the beat of His flute’s sweet play.

Yamalarjun, the powerful snake’s plague,

Youth tales in Gokul’s peaceful territory.

Yashoda’s cradlesongs, a mother’s hug,

In Krishna’s love, all creatures track down comfort.

Arjuna’s charioteer, in the war zone’s murkiness,

Murmurs of astuteness, enlightening the labyrinth.

Bhagavad Gita, a sacred discourse unfurls,

Directing souls to insights, as the legendary molds.

Radha’s commitment, an eternal fire,

An affection so pure, past human case.

In the heavenly Leela, an enormous joy,

Krishna’s presence was a perpetual evening.

Flute close by, a tune divine,

In each heart, His love will sparkle.

Lord Krishna, in happiness, we track down our rest,

In the haven of His love, unceasingly honored.



Arpana Gupta
Creative Passions 💖

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart