Old Soul.


Anu P Nandakumar
Creative Passions 💖
1 min readJul 11, 2022


Digital art by author — @arn-story Anu Nandakumar

Old Soul!

Listening to those ancient voices,
Smelling the earth,
Sniffing the air,
Tasting the truth,
Seeing through it all,
Oh you Old Soul!

How do you know you know?
How do you always know?
Will you believe what you know?
Do you know you know?
Oh you old Soul!

Ha the overthinking that comes with it,
Or the hindsight bias,
The jigsaw puzzle that solves itself,
Just as the big picture seen,
Oh you old soul!

Harness it as strength,
Spreading love at length,
Breezy dance,
Singing in trance,
Living life as an Old Soul

  • Love,
  • Have a wonderful week ahead ❤❤❤


Have you experienced the soul of a house?

Have you ever heard the house talking to you?

Do you believe in oak trees being old souls?

Do you believe that furniture made from oak tree can listen to your conversation and can consider you as one of their own and care for you?

Let me know :-) If you have anything else similar to share , please do :-)



Anu P Nandakumar
Creative Passions 💖

All about us and our way of life. Good intention is good karma. Watch your "manasa vaacha and karmana"