

Anu P Nandakumar
Creative Passions 💖
2 min readMay 5, 2023


art by author

Faces, so many faces,
A sea of eyes and noses,
But to me they are just blank spaces,
A puzzle with missing pieces, that poses.

I see the world in a different way,
Forgetting faces as soon as they pass,
Struggling to recognize day by day,
The people I once knew, but now alas.

Friends and family become strangers,
Their features lost in memory’s haze,
Leaving me to guess, like a game of dangers,
Their identity, with no clue or phrase.

Prosopagnosia is the name they gave,
To this condition that haunts me so,
A curse that leaves me in its grave,
Lost in a world that I don’t know.

But I don’t let it define me,
I embrace the challenges it brings,
For though my eyes may not see,
My heart still remembers everything.



Recently, I met with a person suffering from this condition. The person was saying how their cousin too had the same condition and they had started using training techniques for them much earlier owing to the awareness they got after theirs.

One common treatment is called “face training,” which involves practicing the recognition of facial features and learning to identify individuals based on non-facial cues, such as their hairstyle or clothing. This type of training can be done in a clinical setting or with the help of a trained therapist.

Another strategy is to use compensatory strategies, such as asking people to introduce themselves or wearing name tags in social situations. Some people with prosopagnosia also find it helpful to rely on contextual cues or to use memory aids, such as taking notes or using photographs to help them remember people’s faces.

While there is no cure for prosopagnosia, these types of treatments and strategies can be effective in improving facial recognition abilities and helping individuals with the condition better navigate social situations.

I am not a certified or qualified therapists to recommend any method or cure. It was an interesting encounter to meet such an interesting person and learn from them about their positive attitude towards life. This post is a dedication to the interesting person K! May that person keep shining for all the wonderful values and outlook they practice towards life!



Anu P Nandakumar
Creative Passions 💖

All about us and our way of life. Good intention is good karma. Watch your "manasa vaacha and karmana"