Scammers Have Another Way To Make You Believe You Are Talking To A Celebrity.
The Fake Blue Tick.
I have already written one post warning readers about fake profiles promoting fake fan cards on social media.
Please read my story below.
I’m not new to the world of fakes. I get them all the time, but I do my research, and I understand how they work and what to look for, thanks to my husband, who put me in touch with my friend Robbie Williams some years ago, who he met through his work.
At that time, I was having problems with another social media user who claimed to be Robbie himself.
Every time I blocked that profile, he came back as Robbie. He did that by spelling his name differently every time, and he also stalked me on every social media platform I used.
However, being able to talk with Rob himself enabled me to deal with it, and now I use specific methods, such as secret questions that are hard to…