Should You Start Learning A New Language?

Many times, we develop an interest of learning a new language. But often we tend to lose engrossment in learning. In this article, I will list down the tips and tricks that will help you learn a language easily and in a fun way!

Afsha Ayaz
Creative Passions 💖
4 min readMar 25, 2023


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In short, the answer is yes! There are various reasons why you should learn a new language besides your mother language. Learning a new language allows your brain to enhance memory-retaining capacity. It pushes your brain to get familiar with words that you haven’t even heard of before. When you are fluent in a particular language other than your native language, you are quite confident about communication amongst your peers who don’t specifically speak the language that you speak. The rate of success at your workplace is high. There are high chances that you will get introduced to new cultures. Learning a new language not only enables your brain to improve its memory, but also helps it get familiar with new grammar and vocabulary rules, and these rules vary from language to language.

Now that we know why learning a new language is important, let me list the tips that will help you learn a language faster.


Whenever you are learning something new, it is advisable to record it somewhere. The same goes for learning a new language. You learn a word and probably forget it a week later. But when you note it down, you will probably use that word somewhere. It is important to practice the words that you learn. Or else, the hard work that you have put into learning the language will be of no use.

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Here, I would like to share a personal experience. So, I started learning a new language online during the lockdown period. After a few days, to my surprise, I was familiar with most of the words of that language. I was very confident that I could now speak the language I was learning. But this confidence took me to a phase where I totally forgot that I was even learning some new language. I stopped taking language classes, there was no one with whom I could communicate in that language. And I eventually forgot those words that I had learned.

So, it is very important to practice the words that you learn. Put them to some use, make flashcards, and try to communicate with yourself. There are many ways by which people learn new languages. But practicing is the most important way.

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When learning a new language, as I said before, you will forget the words that you have learned if you don’t put the words to some use. One such use would be to talk to people who are proficient in the language that you are learning. These people might be your peers, teachers, family members, and foreign tourists in your country.

In addition, native speakers who are communicating with you are curious to correct your mistakes. In this way, you will get to know your mistakes and you will work harder to correct your mistakes.

There are various applications that provide language learning facilities. You can practice the language here, interact with native speakers, practice grammar and the list continue. Duolingo is one of the most trending language learning apps nowadays.

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4. Read Books:

In conducting a survey, it is noted that the average time taken to learn a new language is about three months to two years. The quickest way to learn a language is to read, write and think in that language as much as possible. You should read books with simple vocabulary and common phrases. Starting from the basics will help you get fluent in the language. There is no need to hurry up or else you might end up forgetting the words you have learnt earlier. Moreover, reading has a positive impact on how well we speak. I personally learn well when I read. When you read, your eyes absorb the words, and you learn the language faster. You get exposed to new and enhanced vocabulary; but again, this will work out only if you practice well.

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Those are all the tips that I think will help you effectively learn a new language. Other than these, there are many other tricks that people follow. I really hope that you find these tips helpful.

Thanks for reading!



Afsha Ayaz
Creative Passions 💖

I am a school student from Mumbai who is a passionate writer. Here to share my knowledge with the world!