Symphony of Lights.

A Poem.


Photo by Ben Cheung from Pexels

Symphony Of Lights

The stage is set.

The performance about to begin.

An air of excitement

hushes the crowd.

Shutterbugs line the promenade.

The towering facades

of Hong Kong island

come alive;

a cabaret of lights

about to strut their stuff.

The harbor illuminates

a rainbow ebb tide.

Skies explode

a disco ball - Asian style.

Beams of light

reflect upon

Victoria Harbor;

the water dance in full swing.

15 minutes of fame

and I suddenly remember,

I left my camera back at the hotel!

  • This poem won me a roundtrip ticket to Hong Kong in 2008 sponsored by Cathay Pacific Airlines.

Thank you for reading.



Joanne Olivieri
Creative Passions 💖

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -