The Dive Bomb Bird.


Joanne Olivieri
Creative Passions 💖
3 min readDec 28, 2021


Photo courtesy of Attack Bird Chronicles

This is one of those "Only in San Francisco" pieces. For a few weeks during 2009 this not so amused bird in the photo above has been dive bombing pedestrians on California and Front streets in the financial district of San Francisco. That particular area is heavily occupied by workers especially during the lunch hour.

"Swoops" as he has been named has become quite the phenomenon not just in San Francisco but all over the world. His story has been told in China, Switzerland and across the United States. He basically is doing his job as a father. He is protecting his nest in that area. Anyone who walks by is seen as a threat by him and he naturally attacks as any father would in that same situation. You ask, how do I know he is a he? Well the Audubon Society has been called in on the situation and according to their expertise in that area, they have deciphered Swoops to be a male.

This feisty little guy has drawn quite the crowds and media attention. He was all over the local news, airwaves and newspapers. Dozens and dozens of people gather on the street each day to capture the dive bomb escapades. Most who attend the "attack shows" find it humorous yet there are people who wonder what all the fuss is about.

The local pigeon population has their feathers in an uproar and have been very disheartened by this phenom. Why? You ask, well because of swoops they have temporarily lost their territory and have to perch above Swoops on a landing of which they are not familiar. After all the pigeons have been there for quite sometime with their nests as well and they have been totally ignored - I feel their pain.

I know that right about now you are chuckling at this story however this story is very true. I personally feel sorry for Swoops as he is just protecting his family and probably does not like all this media attention though he has not yet been interviewed. I have not as yet been down to the scene to photograph or videotape our latest celebrity and probably will not because personally I do not like going to the financial district unless I absolutely have to be there for some odd reason. As a result, I direct you to the Attack Bird Chronicles blog which by the way received over ten thousand hits a day. This blog is being maintained by a staff writer for the Chronicle and is as the name implies. It chronicles the day to day activities of Swoops, our local hero and attack bird extraordinaire.

I'd like to wish Swoops and his family well. I'd also like to thank him for putting a smile on my face each day. I'd also like to suggest that people working in the financial district start wearing hats in order to prevent any "swoop and poop" mishaps.

Thank you for reading.



Joanne Olivieri
Creative Passions 💖

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -