They Were My First!


Joanne Olivieri
Creative Passions 💖
2 min readDec 2, 2021


Photo by Sunsetoned from Pexels

I began writing on Medium about one month ago. I had no idea how to format anything on the platform and I don’t have a computer so everything is done using my Android smartphone.

I was basically a “fish out of water" trying to understand all that Medium provides.

I came across the Creative Passions publication by Jonathan Townend, RMN. Founder -Creative Passions They were looking for writers, I read the description, perused their articles and it just fit. I wanted to write for them and was thrilled they accepted poetry. I was excited and happy that my heart was telling me, ‘go for it.’ Tell them you want to write for them.

Then, before I commented my head took over and said, what if you are not good enough? Now, I’ve been writing for over 50 years so I may not be perfect but I can write. I thought back to my early days as a writer and all the rejections I received in the beginning and I had to tell myself again when you get rejected, brush it off and take the rejections as a challenge and move on.

So, I commented, was added as a writer and have been contributing ever since. Jonathan and his wife Carol have always helped me, supported me and are the epitome of what editors should be. They are caring, they know what works and will guide you throughout the process.

I’ve been lucky so far and been “good enough” to have my writing supported by five different publications since I’ve been on Medium.

Creative Passions though holds a special spot in my heart because they were my first!!! We all remember what “our first” was like, Right?

  • Just yesterday I submitted a piece to a pub I won’t mention their name here and was brutally rejected. Of course my initial reaction was to say “you obviously don’t know who I am,” of course I said nothing and moved on😀

Please check out Creative Passions when you have a chance.

I will be writing more about the other fantastic four publications I contribute to as well in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.



Joanne Olivieri
Creative Passions 💖

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact -