Thinking About All Of The Bad Things That Might Happen Isn’t Good For You.
We Can’t Stop All Bad Things From Happening, But We Can Make The Most Of Good Things.
At the moment the world is a scary place, and it is easy for all of us to carry that burden, constantly question ourselves, and
to fall into the trap of expecting bad things to happen.
The other night, the wind and the rain were horrendous. It was still pretty bad when I woke up in the morning, and I wanted to crawl back under the covers and stay there. I forced myself out of bed, only to receive more bad news.
A friend of mine is in hospital in critical care, in a bad way after a bus overturned on the road in the bad weather.
The news wasn’t easy to process, despite many incidents reported in the papers about accidents happening due to the weather.
I lost a boyfriend in a car crash in the early 90s, and I am not over that yet.
I have a concert coming up. I have to travel quite a distance for that concert. I have a fear of crowds due to PTSD, and as it is a band who are highly popular, I am panicking.