Voyage to the Soul’s Sanctuary

Discovering the tapestry of self in the silence within

Arpana Gupta
Creative Passions 💖
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Michael Held on Unsplash

In the calm chambers of the soul’s home,

An excursion unfurls on a concealed street.

Past the domains of common struggle,

I leave on a mission to track down my inner life.

Through valleys of considerations, profound and wide,

I meander, looking for the self that stows away.

A maze of feelings, exciting bends in the road,

In the openings of my being, reality perceives.

The echoes of quietness guide my way,

As I explore the shadows, night and day.

Murmurs of thoughtfulness, delicate and kind,

Uncover the fortunes inside the mind.

The reflection of contemplation reflects,

An embroidery of recollections, delights, and laments.

With each step, a layer strips away,

Uncovering the essence, in the illumination of day.

The heart’s murmurs, a compass valid,

Driving me profoundly, where dreams build.

Divulging the layers, shedding the mask,

I experience the self with open eyes.

Through the storms of doubts and fears,

I go up against the shadows and dry the tears.

A transformation, a resurrection inside,

An odyssey of self-disclosure starts.

In the garden of feelings, blooms sprout,

An orchestra of varieties, dispersing despair.

The tune of the soul, a melody untold,

As I cross the scenes of silver and gold.

The journey inside, a consecrated art,

An exploration of the psyche, a work of heart.

In the safe-haven of oneself, I find,

A universe tremendous, in the endlessness of my mind.

In this way, let the odyssey proceed, ever profound,

Exploration of the caverns where insider facts are kept.

For in the journey to the internal identity,

Lies the insight of life, untold wealth.



Arpana Gupta
Creative Passions 💖

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart