We Were Strangers Once

An unexpected love story on a lane

Creative Passions 💖
3 min readJun 18, 2023


Photo by Jack Finnigan on Unsplash

Once upon a dark night, in a busy city, two strangers had an unexpected meeting. She was a young woman, walking quickly, feeling anxious, and looking around nervously. He was a tall man, following her cautiously. The streetlights were dim, making long shadows and adding mystery to their encounter.

She couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following her. She became more scared with each step. Thoughts of danger and harm filled her mind. She believed that this shadowy figure behind her was a stalker, waiting for the right moment to harm her. Every noise in the city made her fear grow stronger.

Meanwhile, he was feeling a mix of emotions. He had good intentions and felt love for this stranger he had just seen. He had noticed her from a distance, and she captivated him. He decided to approach her, to express his love, even though they were strangers.

As she reached a lane, she believed that this was where her attacker would strike. She stopped and made herself ready to face her fear. The mysterious figure finally caught up; his face hidden in the shadows of his hood. Her heart raced as he came closer.

"Please, just leave me alone!" she begged, in fear. “Don’t do anything, leave me!”

He paused, observing her trembling figure and the fear on her face. In that moment, he understood how his approach made the moment scary. He took a step back and revealed a nervous smile beneath his hood.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," he began, his voice calm. "I didn't mean to cause you any harm. Actually, um... actually... I wanted to tell you something. "Her eyes widened, a mix of fear and curiosity in them. She carefully listened, unsure of what he was about to say.

"I... I love you," he said, his voice barely audible. "From the moment I saw you, something changed in me. It may sound strange, but I can't deny this feeling that you're meant to be in my life."

She stood there, surprised. The sudden shift in his words made her freeze. She studied his face, searching for sincerity, and saw the truth in his eyes. "You... love me?" she managed to say, her voice trembling with confusion and disbelief.

He nodded, stepping closer gently as if approaching a scared animal. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice steady. "I understand if it's hard to believe. But sometimes, life brings people together in unexpected ways. And tonight, it’s us”

She took a deep breath, her emotions rolling inside her. The fear that consumed her started to fade, replaced by a glimmer of hope. She prepared to give this encounter a chance.

"And what's your name?" she asked, her voice softer now, showing a hint of warmth.

He smiled, relieved that she was willing to talk. "Call me baby, but my name is Jeremy” he replied.

She found comfort in his smile and the honesty in his eyes. The darkness of the night seemed less with his presence. Jeremy, despite being a stranger, had a raise within her. She understood that love could bloom in unexpected places but caution still lingered in her mind.

"What made you approach me tonight?" she inquired, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Jeremy took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. He wanted to choose his words carefully, ensuring he conveyed his intentions without overwhelming her further.

"I was drawn to you," he said. "There was something about the way you carried yourself, your grace, in the midst of uncertainty. I couldn't help but be captivated by your presence. It might sound strange, but I believe that sometimes, two souls connect in ways that defy explanation.

She smiled at him.

In the end, their unexpected meeting turned into a beautiful love story. They took time to build trust and understanding in each other. This story was said as a bedtime story to their children and it was called “We were strangers once.”

Hello there, I know that this is not a perfect piece, but I hope this was calming to read



Creative Passions 💖

Hey there, fellow wanderers of words ! I'm Annie, a writer trying to unlock the magic within the words.