Would You Listen?

If I Said I Had a Message


Photo Credit Tyler Nix on Unsplash

If I said I had a message

That was meant just for you

Would you listen?

If I said I felt

Divinely inspired

To tell you something

Would you just

Think I’m crazy?

What thoughts would go

Racing through your mind?

Be honest.

Would you listen?

I assure you,

I can take it.

I am prepared to meet you

Where ever you are.

Even if it means

Not now.

Even if

You choose to walk away

For now.

I will still be here,

When you are ready.

If I told you that

God has spoken Light

Into the deepest shadows

Of my heart

Would you listen?

Photo Credit Anton Darius on Unsplash

I know…

The world has become

A dark and crazy place.

Anger and fear,

Judgment and hate

Sorrow and sadness

Hang in the air

Threatening to suffocate

With every breath

We take.

I know…

That I’m not worthy

To have been chosen

For this task

That lies ahead.

I am only human.

Photo Credit Ric Soul on Unsplash

I’m no more or less

Thank you.

I am nobody special.

My heart beats,

Pumping to the rhythm

Of those same drums

Our ancestors once beat.

Just like yours.

My heart also breaks

Under the sorrow

All around us.

I have felt fear

Over much of what I’ve seen.

Our world is ruled

By harsh injustice.

I have felt pain.

Yours, mine

Doesn’t matter

It’s all the same.

Laura Nyhuis on Unsplash

But I know now.

There is Light

Beyond this darkness.

If I said I had a message

Would you listen?

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Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife
Creative Passions 💖

Half a century of walking the planet and what have I learned? I don't know jack! Life SHOULD be a splendid journey, but people tend to get in the way.