Joseph Ridgwell

Viccy Adams
Creative Scotland Literature
1 min readMar 19, 2021
Black and white selfie photograph of the author Joseph Ridgwell wearing a hat
Photo credit: Joseph Ridgwell

My Creative Scotland funding will provide me with the much needed time to research and write my latest novel — The Island.

Set in Scotland, the Mediterranean, Belgium and Central America, the novel chronicles the main characters desire to escape the rat race and establish a new society on an uninhabited island. To achieve this aim, a total rejection of the modern world and the creation of a 21st Century Pirate Utopia, must be established. But how to achieve such a lofty and idealistic aim when one is a penniless poet living in a crumbling Edinburgh tenement?

The novel’s major theme is the characters disenchantment with modern life combined with a strong desire to start a new society away from any form of government control. It will also explore the idea of establishing a fictional matriarchal utopia on an uninhabited Scottish island.

Find out more about Joseph’s writing on Twitter

