Open Fund FAQs for writers: Self-publishing and contribution models

Viccy Adams
Creative Scotland Literature
2 min readJul 20, 2020
Simple illustration of a man holding on to a large dollshouse/shop with books in the window
Copyright 2020 Katerina Limpitsouni via unDraw

We cannot accept applications to the Open Fund for self-publishing projects. The following advice is designed to answer common queries around self-publishing and contribution models.

What is self-publishing?

Self-publishing means that your book is published on your own initiative, and is not commissioned by a third party. You may manage the entire process as a one-person publishing company. You may work with a partner publisher or publishing service provider who asks you to contribute some or all of the costs of production of the book, from your own resources or from public or other funding. You may receive the stock to sell, or your partner may sell it on your behalf and share any profits with you.

Why is my project deemed ‘self-publishing’ when I am working in partnership with a publisher?

Our definition of self-publishing includes projects in which books are published at the author’s cost. These are sometimes described as ‘partnership’ models. Regardless of whether the author meets costs in full or contributes in part, pays personally or has the support of another funder, and whether or not the publisher has a broader list, we cannot support these costs. As a general rule, we would not expect publishing costs to form part of applications to the Open Fund for Individuals. Publishing houses may apply to the Open Fund for Organisations.

My book is out of stock, and my publisher has asked me for a contribution to reprint costs. Can I apply to you for help?

No. We do not recognise requests to authors to contribute to publishing costs as good practice, including ongoing backlist management (i.e. reprints etc).

My book has been put out of print and the publisher has offered the files to me for a charge so that I can seek another publisher. Can you support me to reacquire the files?

No. We do not recognise this as good practice.

I wish to print a small run of a proposed trade book for presentation to professional publishing houses. May I apply for costs?

No; you do not need to print your work for submission to publishing houses and we cannot support cost of production of dummies. Minimal dummy costs for paper engineers or interactive book makers may be eligible if the project meets our other criteria; please contact the Literature Team direct for advice. Please note that any trialling proposed in such instances should comply with relevant safety legislation.

Do these notes answer your queries about self-publishing? If you have other queries, please do let us know in the comments or contact us direct.

