Our Voices: Round Two

Viccy Adams
Creative Scotland Literature
3 min readMay 25, 2021
watch our introduction video for Our Voices

“Being selected in Round One came at a time where I felt like giving up. Being selected gave me a lifeline and the validation that I do have the talent to write. I will always be grateful for this” — feedback from a participant in Round 1

Applications are now open for Round 2 of Our Voices, and will close at noon on Tuesday 15 June.

Why should I apply?

Feedback at the right time can be vital in helping you understand the strengths of your writing, how to structure your first book (creative non-fiction of a novel, for adults or for children) and the steps you can to take to edit and improve it for future publication.

“The literary agents are generous with their time and thorough in their notes. You have to be ready and excited for this type of criticism but if you are then definitely go for it, as it is all very constructive and useful.” — feedback from a participant in Round 1

Tell me more…

The programme is a partnership between Creative Scotland and the Association of Scottish Literary Agents (ASLA) and in Round Two aims to support another c.20 unpublished writers from currently underrepresented communities in the literary sector to develop their first book-length works of fiction or creative non-fiction.

Writers will receive written feedback on the first 20,000 words of their book in progress from a member of ASLA, and a 30 minute one-to-one session to discuss the feedback and demystify offer advice on navigating the publishing industry on the phone or by Zoom (access support available).

“The feedback was very detailed and specific. In the past I heard, for instance, that the pace in my opening was a bit slow. This time the agent’s comments showed me precisely what is slowing down the pace. After that you know exactly where to go and how to fix your problem.” — feedback from a participant in Round 1

Is this right for me?

You should be based in Scotland and should not have published or self-published a full length novel or narrative non-fiction book (e.g. biography or memoir), or be currently represented by a literary agent. Read the Guidelines to check if the programme is right for you and email viccy.adams@creativescotland.com with any questions.

Applications are particularly welcome from unpublished writers who identify as disabled, LGBTQ+, care experienced, BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic), and/or from a low-income household.

“ The sense of encouragement has been terrific and made me believe in myself more.” — feedback from a participant in Round 1

How do I apply?

Online! Once you’ve registered for an account, your application can be saved and returned to rather than needing to be completed in one go. If you applied to Round 1 and weren’t successful, you can apply again for Round 2 using the same login.

How did Round One go?

In Round 1, 22 writers received written feedback from a literary agent on the first 20,000 words of their book-in-progress, and had a 30 minute one-to-one chat with them on the phone or a video call.

Literary Agents involved in Round 1 included Jenny Brown and Lucy Juckes from Jenny Brown Associates; Julie Fergusson from The North Literary Agency; Louise Lamont from LBA Books; Judy Moir from The Judy Moir Agency; Lindsey Fraser and Kathryn Ross from Fraser Ross Associates.

“Our Voices Round One gave me a brilliant snapshot of the vigour and imagination that authors in Scotland bring to both their writing and their reading. It was a pleasure to talk with the selected authors and find out what support they each needed — from brainstorming plot developments, or discussing their submission strategy and market conditions, to analysing the difference a single word can make to an opening line. I hope the scheme helps to make the world of publishing a little less daunting, but more importantly I hope it gives authors a shot of confidence that what they’re doing can be rewarding and satisfying — with or without a book deal.” — Literary agent Louise Lamont

I still have questions!

Get in touch with Literature Officer Viccy Adams viccy.adams@creativescotland.com with any questions about the programme.

the text ‘Our Voices’ in white on a plain, purple background
image credit: Creative Scotland

