Twitter Q&A on Tuesday 8 September: #AskTeamLit

Viccy Adams
Creative Scotland Literature
2 min readAug 27, 2020

On Tuesday 8 September, 2–3pm, the Creative Scotland Literature Team have been invited to take part in a Twitter Q&A on Applying to the Open Fund with some of our recently funded writers, chaired by Helen Sedgwick. Follow the Q&A using the hashtag #AskTeamLit.

Promo image for the #AskTeamLit Twitter Q&A on Tuesday 8 September, 2–3pm

Helen Sedgwick has cheerfully volunteered to quiz us via a Twitter Q&A, in the good company of other recent awardees, including Theresa Muñoz, Polly Clark and Mandy Haggith.

We’re looking forward to them sharing their experiences in getting support for their work through the Open Fund and answering questions from our perspective as the Literature assessors to help open the process up for other writers (of all genres and backgrounds) considering making an application.

Interested in learning more about the Open Fund ahead of the Q&A? All the forms and guidance notes for both individuals and organisations are up on the main Creative Scotland website. Team Lit have begun compiling some lit sector specific FAQs on this blog.

We’ve started reaching out to recently-funded individuals to find ways of working together to demystify the process for other writers, poets, spoken word artists and literature freelancers considering an application to the Open Fund. If you’ve benefitted from Creative Scotland funding in developing your writing and want to help us encourage others to apply then please get in touch

