Viccy Adams

Viccy Adams
Creative Scotland Literature
2 min readFeb 4, 2020

*on maternity leave until Spring 2023*

My name is Viccy and I joined Creative Scotland as a Literature Officer (part-time) at Creative Scotland in May 2019. My background is in writer development in academic research (I have a PhD in Creative Writing and a geekish enthusiasm for designing evaluation methodologies) and through designing and leading projects as a freelance writer of fiction and narrative non-fiction.

Lockdown selfie. Photo credit: Viccy Adams

As a part-time member of Team Lit, I’m normally in the office Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday. The rest of the time I’m still active as a freelancer: writing, editing and collaborating in Scotland and further afield. Just before starting this job I was on maternity leave with my first child, so I bring into the office particular waves of empathy for writers with caring responsibilities and those juggling portfolio careers as freelancers.

My office days are spent assessing applications, meeting with individuals to help them develop their ideas, sitting on funding panels (or prepping for them), and engaging with the administration that comes with funding — for example, signing off on End Of Project Monitoring Forms (or chasing applicants for missing data) — attending meetings and training sessions. I’m buoyed up by boundless curiosity, so I love the opportunities that brings to deepen my knowledge about different artform areas and behind-the-scenes structures. You can read more about the general duties of a Creative Scotland Literature Officer in this interview.

Harriet & Viccy at the Edinburgh International Book Festival 2019, posing with Elmer the elephant
Harriet MacMillan to the left of Elmer, Viccy on the right, at EIBF 2019. Photo credit: Harriet MacMillan

I’m the Lead Officer for two Regularly Funded Organisations (RFOs): Moniack Mhor and Scottish Book Trust. I lead and support on a variety of targeted projects, including this Team Lit blog, Our Voices with the Association of Scottish Literary Agents (ASLA), the ongoing redevelopment of how we fund Individuals, and the relaunch of the Scottish Book Festivals Network with Wigtown Book Festival.

Get in touch with any questions:

