Requiem for the Memory of a Friend

Varun Torka
Creative Writing Experiments
2 min readJul 6, 2024
Photo by Womanizer Toys on Unsplash

O friend, where art thou?

Endless scrolls

Facebook, LinkedIn, Insta

I have new friends now

Whom I never met, who never spare a thought on me,

Truthfully, they don’t even know I am their friend

How will they know?

For we have talked maybe once 2 years ago

For 5 mns overall

Algorithms promptly picked it up

And recommended I add them as a Friend

Now I see them everyday

In the safe confines of my 5 inch screen

They never hurt me, don’t expect anything from me

In return, they give me a daily view

into their many happy highlights

One that helps me escape from my dreary life

I can’t help but yearn, to BE them

To switch places with them

Just for a day, surely it would be delight

Always so happy & happening they seem

It is a happy relationship we have

O friend, where art thou?

We shared a bond, wonderful times.. long ago

We shared dreams, insecurities, embarrassments… long ago

But we never shared Instagram handles

Or posts on Facebook or LinkedIn or anything alike

Nothing which capitalism could quantify

We thought friendship is more than comments & likes

That is it different from online-profiles talking to each other

As a result, deservedly so

Your memories recede

Into a far away corner of my mind

Never to be retrieved

Like the calculus lesson we all did

Will I recognize if I see you now?

You may have a family I never met

Or be a solo adventurer with tales to tell

You had trials, tribulations of your own

Experienced different experinces, thought different thoughts

We would be strangers, starting anew

The algorithms determined

And laziness aided,

Our friendship was not to be

Who am I even talking about? I don’t remember



Varun Torka
Creative Writing Experiments

Technology, Philosophy, Creative Fiction & Non-Fiction, Product, Management (in no particular order)