Ace of Earth

A messenger’s trip through the supportive forest

Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot
1 min readMay 18, 2021


With permission from artist Chelsea Santamaria

We are at home in this forest.
Each tree known well.

It is not strange that I am out here alone.
Nor dangerous.
I know my way and I know what to watch for.

I pass through at a decent pace, on my way to deliver a message.
I have a day’s journey ahead of me and I do my best to shorten the time.

Soft leaves and scratchy branches reach out to me on the path, encouraging me on my journey.

I pass by a mother tree with her thick trunk and far reaching branches.
Steadfast and comforting she stands. Her branches like a myriad of arms reaching out to provide safety, comfort, shelter.

I send a prayer of gratitude as I pass.
Many times I have stopped to accept her gifts, but not today.

Today her leaves ruffle a soft hello, goodbye, fare thee well.

And I continue on.



Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot

Exploring what is means to be human. Host of The Garden of Belonging Podcast.