Page of Fire

On the power of that which cannot be taken.

Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot
1 min readMay 24, 2021


With permission from creator Chelsea Santamaria

Its skeletal face emerges from the flames and ash
Green smoke billows off its long and winding tail and pours out of its nostrils, mouth, and eye sockets
Its head whips from side to side, searching

It hops from rock to rock on this desolate landscape, claws grabbing to hold itself steady
Like a whip, its long tail swings sharply from side to side, S curves pulling taut for a moment then gathering up again

If such a creature could sniff, it would
Seeking its target

Its hollow skeleton reminds of that which is left behind after all is given away
The core piece of self that cannot be released

It travels on, searching
All that is not itself has burned away, only its true essence lingers

The horn atop its nose speaks of its ferocity
And the whipping tail

Its deep power on display



Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot

Exploring what is means to be human. Host of The Garden of Belonging Podcast.