Seven of Fire

On surrender, nourishment, and hope

Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot
1 min readJul 23, 2021


From The Lost Tarot by Chelsea Santamaria

The fire burns and only 7 remain
Tall stumps are all that’s left of our former glory

My brother begins to bend to the fire and we wonder who may be next
Will any of us make it through?
With what little we have left?

The red hot burning licks at us
Only our deep roots feel cool
What strength we have left we use to breath in through our roots
Drawing up what we can find of cool water and nourishment

At these depths you can feel the thirst
All of the roots reaching for what is available

The life stirring below reminds me of our connection and the hope that some part of us will go on

We say thanks to those, like my brother, who lay into the fire
For all the life they gave and all the ways they will provide even in death

And should the fire ask me, too, to bend, I will do so willingly
In service to the life below that will rise after the fire subsides

For now, we stand, awaiting our fate
Watching the flames around us



Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot

Exploring what is means to be human. Host of The Garden of Belonging Podcast.