Six of Fire

On death, rebirth, and possibility


From The Lost Forest Tarot by Chelsea Santamaria

He rises from the mountains of ash
Wings afire
Six tail feathers like wisps of fire slither beneath him
His dark body is like the smoke that follows him
His bright eyes burn with knowing

He reminds you of the things that must be burned away
Yet also of the gift of that burning
While a death for some, the fire opens space for new life

As he rose from the ashes, so will new growth
With the ferocity of life and its resilience

With the truth of what is

Even in the ashes, there is possibility
Behind the ferocity there is space for new beginning

Do you have the courage to see what lies in his wake?



Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot

Exploring what is means to be human. Host of The Garden of Belonging Podcast.