Three of Fire

Siblings on a mission

Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot
1 min readMay 27, 2021


With permission from artist, Chelsea Santamaria

We three soar over the barren landscape
Few trees still stand, many scorched by the fires
Small bits of brush push up through soil in recovery

Across the land we soar, tail feathers streaming behind us
One. Two. Three. Our eldest sister leading us
She flies forward with determination while brother and I play on the currents and around each other — swaying side to side and barrel rolling over each other

We laugh, but sister is focused
Occasionally, she turns her head ever so slightly and catches our eyes with one of hers
That’s all it takes to silence and settle us

Our journey is long and our mission great
Sister holds the weight of it

We follow behind as we seek to reach her tail feathers
She moves at great speed with what appears to be little effort

May we learn to be as regal as her one day

For now we follow
We three on this journey

Across the burned landscape



Kim K Gray
Creative Writing with Tarot

Exploring what is means to be human. Host of The Garden of Belonging Podcast.