Creative 3D Web Use Case Spotlight: CultureNet 3D

Creative 3D Web
Creative 3D Web
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2018

The technological progression society has gone through over the last century is fascinating. Humans are innovating at unprecedented levels and it almost seems like everything around us is evolving constantly. Over the past 100 years, we have seen many changes in almost every aspect of our lives due to human and technological advancement.

Medicine has improved tremendously, transportation is available on a large scale, our living conditions have improved greatly, and technology is improving facets of everyday life as well. And with all of these great advancements, the aspects of education also stand to be improved.

Education is the driving force behind growth, development and innovation all over the world. Yet, the education system as a whole has changed very subtly over the past 100 years. The reasons that many people in the past struggled to receive proper education are the same reasons people have today. Traditional teaching of any kind whether it be for job training, schooling, or even sports can be very expensive and very exclusive.

With the introduction and advancement of the internet, the last decade has seen the introduction of online classes, electronic books, video and search channels but none have been able to implement the collaborative learning experience you get in traditional schooling and have rather been a small improvement to an already existing process.

Creative 3D Web plans on bridging the digital gap between traditional classroom learning and internet-based learning with the release of the Virtual 3D Web. The Virtual 3D Web platform will be available to anyone with an internet connection around the globe and is aimed at revolutionizing the way we interact with the internet.

How does this disrupt the education system? Virtual 3D Web will release 5 initial immersive environments. One in particular is CultureNet 3D.

CultureNet 3D will be an educational hub of immersive content rich web based learning experiences and interactions that will allow users to learn in a fun and collaborate manor all from the comfort of their own home. This specific use case can give teachers the opportunity to have a greater level of student participation and immersion. This will lead to higher levels of interest, attention, participation and accomplishments.

How does it work?

Users will begin by creating their very own customizable Virtual Web Avatar that will represent the digital self or persona of them throughout their virtual web journeys. Entering the Culture3D net environment, educators & student users will have the freedom to deliver and choose a wide variety of subject matter and start learning with others in an immersive and collaborative way.

Not only that, CultureNet3D will be building a network of virtual real-estate of museums, galleries, libraries and many other land based cultural places of interest and offer avatar based access for all users of the platform.

As CultureNet3D will be part of a new ecosystem and payments system using a new utility type token called the “AVATZ” and using smart contracts on the Blockchain, providing safe and secure payments for all parties.

The possibilities for the advancement of global access to education are nearly limitless. These can range from a traditional classroom teaching algebra, a corporate program teaching CPR, or even a gym class teaching yoga. The Virtual 3D Web will also have the capability to adapt and grow to suit differentiate education & student user needs. If a classroom teacher wants to use it to enhance the current in-classroom experience or wants to completely customize an easily-accessible virtual environment to conduct courses, the Virtual 3D Web allows for this to take place.

CultureNet 3D also provides scalability for standardized training across remote locations for businesses in addition to reducing travel costs and land-based facility costs, potentially saving organizations a sizable amount of money. CultureNet 3D also gives eager students an option to peruse their passion from anywhere in the world. Upon the completion of a course, students can receive digital certificates from learning institutions that can be recorded on the Blockchain so that it is validated.

The CultureNet 3D environment is going to be crucial for educational establishments, teachers, students and corporations looking to deliver and receive learning in a highly affordable, accessible, and collaborative way anywhere on the globe.

Be sure to check out our whitepaper and check out our website to learn more about the Creative 3D Web and our other use cases.

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Creative 3D Web
Creative 3D Web

A Revolution is Underway -Creative 3D Web is building an innovative, secure and superior internet browser, alive with highly-engaging 3D rich content.