Web 3.0: How Will It Change The Way We Consume The Internet?

Creative 3D Web
Creative 3D Web
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2018

Recently, there has been a lot of mention of Web 3.0, not only within the crypto circuit but within the tech community at large. A large number of blockchain projects are advertising their Web 3.0 capabilities. It all sounds very state of the art and revolutionary, but what exactly is it? What will change? How will it affect us?

Firstly let’s take a step back and look at the ‘webs’ gone by, the webs we are familiar with.

Web 1.0 — This was our introduction to the internet. This consisted of mostly static websites, for users to consume information from. It was one way, with a limited amount of multimedia and little or no way for the users to interact. If the website didn’t have a query form, you would most likely have to call or email the company to ask for more information.

Web 2.0 — There was no cumbersome transition to Web 2.0. It happened gradually and naturally over time. Web 2.0 became more interactive, allowing users to produce content for the web, shifting from consumers to contributors. Users started to create profiles on Social Media sites and the Social Media era exploded. The users became the creators.

The Social Media era has brought about the rise of “Big Data”. Large corporations have realized the value of all the data that users volunteer to websites. This information is then stored and sold on for marketing purposes.

Alphabet (Google’s parent company), Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Microsoft are the five most valuable listed firms in the world. They collectively racked up over $25 billion in net profit in the first quarter of 2017. Google and Facebook accounted for almost all the revenue growth in digital advertising in America last year. So you can see how big data is also big money!

Web 3.0, using a decentralized web, promises to return data to its owners. Data is owned by its users. Instead of advertisers collecting user data because users forget to ‘opt out’, users control the permissions and manually give permission to share or not share their data on a case by case basis.

With no central point of control, no government or entity will be able to take down websites. There is no monopoly over users data by big tech companies and personal information is kept secure as it will be fully encrypted on the blockchain.

Data Breaches and network hacks become more difficult. The nature of the blockchain means that the information would be held decentralized and distributed on across different nodes. The information would not be held anywhere centrally, making it almost impossible to take down the network as there is not a single point of failure as with traditional networks where information is held centrally on servers.

Web 3.0 will work seamlessly and effectively across all devices and operating systems, making it truly interoperable.

As far as how it will impact usability, there will not be a noticeable end of Web 2.0 and start of Web 3.0. The transition should be smooth, as it was from Web 1.0 to 2.0. Although visually it will be user-friendly to Web 2.0 users and the web will still be accessed through a browser, the back end workings will be very different.

Some Web 3.0 features are already in existence, but we believe Web 3.0 will look something like this:

Google Drive will be replaced by DApps like Storj.

Skype will be replaced by Experty.

Whatsapp will be replaced by Status.

EOS will provide decentralize functionality and will replace legacy operating systems.

Chrome will be replaced by Creative 3D Web — a Web browser allowing 3D capabilities.

How it will affect design:

Designers are aware of the changes, to the internet. Creative 3D Web is a new browser that allows designers to use developer tools to create 3D websites with Web 3.0 capabilities. In web 3.0, designers will firstly, have to create new verticals of design that are going to be good not just for the web and the web browser, but pave the way for all sorts of media to be viewed in a three-dimensional manner. With the growth in the usage of smartphones and tablets, people want more usage out of their items and to be able to access more things as best as possible in a way that is more intuitive and visual. Imagine being able to walk through a virtual store to purchase good instead of just browsing a static website or visit and walk through a virtual representation of a hotel instead of just seeing pictures online.

Areas of graphical design will have to be able to translate in great quality across all sorts of technologies. Now, while you can create two different websites (one for the web and one for mobile devices), designers and developers will have to kill two birds with one stone, by creating one website that will look good in both environments.

Also for Web 3.0, designers will continue to focus on making things simpler. The truth is, the designer has the absolute power to persuade viewers on where to look first and second and so forth and so on. By doing this the designer creates a hierarchy of importance, that should not be muddled by useless design.

Web 3.0 will be semantic, where the user will be in the epicenter of all interactions on the web. With machine learning and artificial intelligence, the collected data will work with IoT devices around the household to make them adapt to work for the user. All devices, from your computer to your fridge will work together to use the collected information in the most useful way. The internet experience will be more personalized than ever, with the user being in complete control of how their data is shared.

Web 3.0 is definitely on its way. It won’t happen overnight, there will be many refinements in place and it is likely that the dApps mentioned earlier have been replaced by more popular ones by the time Web 3.0 is in full effect. What we have to remember is that Web 3.0 is not going to replace the entire internet as we know it, it will evolve over time like the Chinese proverb goes a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. If Web 3.0 really does ensure that the users are given back the control of their data, then it definitely is a step in the right direction. And Creative 3D Web will be leading this movement into a new era.

What is Creative 3D Web?

Creative 3D Web offers a unique solution, the Virtual 3D Web Browser. This browser will allow users to initiate and create experiences through the use of an Avatar who explores the 3D Virtual Universe, interacting with other Avatars and engaging in web spaces, including in the near future spaces built by other participants. These web spaces are the equivalent of today’s websites. With developer tools and training, entirely new websites will be launched as 3D web spaces within the new environment to be used by businesses, service providers, and information resources. The platform mixes advanced game design technology within a public and private blockchain architecture and an advanced biometric authentication system.

Visit our website to find out more about our project and token sale. www.creative3dweb.io



Creative 3D Web
Creative 3D Web

A Revolution is Underway -Creative 3D Web is building an innovative, secure and superior internet browser, alive with highly-engaging 3D rich content.