Arun Verma
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2023


May you always expect great things for yourself. But may you also not be weighed down by expectations you or others have from you.

May your present dream to create a better life for yourself be bigger than your own dreams when you were small. And it's not someone else's dream for you. May it be a dream that you've been nudged to by your souls and not a dream that comes from your ego to prove a point to someone.

May you live your purpose and surrender to something greater than your ego. And may you find the wisdom within you to turn your ego into an instrument that is willing to serve the universe. May all your desires arise in stillness to honour your soul, for all desires that arise in agitation come from the ego.

May you embrace all the dark parts of you because the more you love your so-called uglier parts, the more beautiful you become.

May your creative passion be matched by none, than you, yourself. May your creative passion help create a better world for others. Let this be your sewa.

May you love yourself more than anyone else. And in this loving, may you always have a prayer of compassion for yourself, for others, for the planet and for every atom, every grain of stardust in the universe.

May the person you are today be different from the one you were an hour ago or yesterday or a week ago or a month ago. May people always tell you that you have 'changed' and that should give you joy.

May your journey be the journey of your choice. And not a path given to you by someone who hasn't even walked out of home ever.

May you show up with more vigour, enthusiasm and love than the day before. May you always be available for yourself on your days of joys and of sorrow. May you accept joy and sorrow as the impermanence of life and as lessons for your own evolution and growth.

May you realise that your destiny is not to find love but to become the love and the purest version of yourself. May you make people feel so loved that they love themselves more and in turn they love you more.

May you always be available for your inner child and may you reparent yourself to release all your conditioning.

May you be the person for igniting someone's creative spirit. May you be the person why someone loves to sing and dance. May you be the person who dances and sings because of you.

May you become the reason why you want to heal. May you become the magic, miracles and joy in your life. And may you be generous in bringing this joy to others.

May you become your own role model. May you witness every role that you play in life without judgement. May you always show up as you and may you always hold space for people to show up as themselves.

You have big shoes to fill. Make them your favourite pair.

Happy new year!



Arun Verma

Creator. Artist. Sculptor. Writer. Design Entrepreneur. Creativity Coach. Upcyclist. Recyclist. Cyclist. Book Lover. Amateur Erotica and Nature Photographer.