Graphic Designer — Lauren

Carli Fronius
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2016

“When I create art for a cause, I feel like I’m contributing more than just art; I’m contributing a voice, a message, something that can reach others more easily.”

What are your creative activities?

My creative activities include graphic design, sketching/drawing, and occasionally painting (watercolor and acrylic).

What do you like about doing art?

It gives me an outlet for creativity and
built-up energy. I am able to sit down and produce something tangible, something others can see, which makes the time it takes worth it. I had really bad OCD when I was younger, and creating and refining my work helped me through some of it.

How do you feel while doing art?

I feel an odd sense of calmness that I don’t get by doing anything else. It’s a focused calm.

Do positive emotions or negative emotions affect your creativity process?

Emotions certainly affect my creativity process. If I’m feeling down, I’m more likely to doodle or sketch, not so much create anything refined. When I’m feeling relatively well, I like to put my energy into refining and perfecting my work.

How do you define creativity?

I define creativity broadly in that it’s whenever someone takes the time to better understand what they’re working on. Thinking outside the box, an alternative approach, or just working as hard as they can. As long as they’re trying hard to create, I view that as creativity.

What inspires you to be creative?

I’m inspired a lot by nature, social causes, and how I’m feeling. I draw inspiration from a lot of different topics and ideas, but these ones stand out the most.

“Art making can help people overcome their feelings”
Reflect on this statement.

When I was younger, I used to draw whenever I was going through a rough time. It helped me establish myself as company, even when I was alone or lonely.

Do you consider art to be therapeutic?

I do consider my art to be therapeutic. For graphic design, it can depend, since I’m often designing within stringent guidelines. When I get free reign, I really enjoy doing design and planning everything myself.

What is your process during art making? Do you even have a process or system? Or do you kinda just make to make?

It depends on what kind of art I’m making. Design, of course, takes a lot of planning. As for painting and drawing, I just make whatever comes to mind.

Do you keep your work?
What happens to your work when you are finished?

I don’t always keep my work. I’ll keep refined versions usually, but not always. With graphic design, I keep everything regardless since it often doesn’t take up physical space.

What would your life be like if you didn’t do this activity?

Since I’m going to school for graphic design, I’m not sure what my life would be like without it. When I was younger, I wanted to go into politics so I could help people. I later realized that design could help me reach people in a different way, and it made me happier.

