Graphic Designer & Photographer — Carli

Carli Fronius
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2016

My personal art activities are design, photography and doodling. I do these activities when I am stressed out and when I am feeling anxious. When I am doing photography I am in my own world. Creating photographs takes you out of the space, while composing your own. Doodling is calming in a way that you can just make whatever you want, but not necessarily use it for anything. Just the action of moving your pencil onto paper and creating something as simple as lines and shapes takes your mind off everything else. Creating art, in whatever form that takes place in, brings in positive energy for myself.

Personally, I print out most of my favorite photography and hang them on the walls of my room. Some small and some oversized that take up the entire wall. Photography brings in memories, usually good ones. Surrounding yourself in art, especially your own art, should bring in positive vibes. While researching about art therapy, I would very much agree with the statements that art the therapeutic.

Creating things for yourself brings in a lot of healing, and drives a lot of self reflection. You, as an artist get to self evaluate how you perceive the world and society.

If you do not know where to begin with art therapy. I suggest coloring books, or doodling your reflections of the day. Take time for yourself. Find your hobby, whether that is artistic or not, and do what makes you happy. Creating should be a fun activity and should bring you joy in your day.

Try and do at least one creative thing a day. For me going on hikes or simple walks with just my camera in hand is enough to get the creativity flowing. It will also get me in the right mindset for the rest of the day.

