Graphic Designer — Serena

Carli Fronius
Published in
1 min readDec 2, 2016
Icon branding by Serena

What emotions do you feel while doing your activity?

I usually feel pretty focused and calm.

Do positive emotions or negative emotions affect your creativity process?

I would say I’m usually motivated by positive emotions when doing my activity.

When are you most creative?

I am the most creative when I’m not stressed out about work, or playing video games/watching someone else play.

Do you consider design or illustration to be therapeutic?

Illustration: Yes. Graphic design: Definitely not. Too much stress involving deadlines and pleasing clients and teachers.

What would your life be like if you didn’t do this activity?

I would probably have a cleaner office because I’d have fewer art supplies. Really though, I guess I’d feel like I wasn’t fulfilling my potential and it would be difficult for me to communicate, because I have so many ideas I want to convey to people, and the best way to do that is visually for me.

What would you say/suggest to someone who doesn’t know where to begin with art, someone who wants to try art as a therapy exercise…

I would tell them to literally just scribble. Or try a coloring book. Anything that they’re comfortable with.

