
Carli Fronius
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2016

Why do you enjoy making music, and what do you get from it?

There’s something special about playing music with other people. Building off the energy and sound created by others inspires you to try new things.

How do you feel after playing music?

Being able to make sounds and communicate what is in your mind and soul is a powerful force. I feel that I’ve been able to express myself in a way that says something that I can’t say with words. Speaking with music gives me a voice that can’t be heard in any other way. I’ve tapped into emotions, thoughts, and feeling that sometimes I didn’t realize were there.

What is more fulfilling — playing in a group or by yourself?

Each one had its own reward. I find that playing by myself is more introspective and allows me to create on my own terms, timeline and agenda. Playing with others taps into the synergy that comes from spontaneous creation that builds upon one another.

How would you describe what it’s like to play for others?

Playing for other people is the ultimate creative release. With an audience, you have the energy that bounces back and forth, building a feedback loop that takes you to places maybe you have never been. Creative expression that reaches the people around you is an awesome force for good.

Do you consider music to be therapeutic?

Absolutely. The phrase “music soothes the savage beast” is a very real thing. It can have a soothing affect on the musician but of course also the listener. Tapping into the raw feelings of people through music allows for reflection wishing the player as well as the listener.

